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Matching Gifts – Multiply the Impact of Your Donation

Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization? Please use the below search tool to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.

Click here to learn more!


Membership dues are the lifeblood of our organization. However, dues alone can not sustain all of the Association’s operations, community programs and student support through scholarships.

By donating to the Alumni Association general fund or paying your Membership dues, your money goes toward the operations of the Alumni Association, including but not limited to scholarship management, student engagement, the printing and distribution of the Alumnus magazine and Alumni Beat e-newsletter, the organization and hosting of alumni cultural, social and networking events and meetings, special CCNY community programming, website development, and the many more functions of our Board and staff.

The Alumni Association of CCNY is recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501c3 organization, EIN: 13-0452368. Your donation to the Alumni Association is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.


Directed donations will go to a specific program or initiative and are a way for you to direct funds to the area of your choice. For more information on directed donations click the button below.


Scholarships and/or stipends are a popular area in which to donate. With tuition rising every year, Alumni Association scholarships and stipends are designed to help students complete their degree, feeding the CCNY engine that has earned recognition as a top performer in promoting social mobility amongst its graduates. Please note, in order to create a new scholarship one must contribute a minimum of $1000. If you are submitting a donation for an existing scholarship fund, please note the fund's name in the "Donation Note" section on the transaction page.


We are celebrating 115+ years of the Alumnus Magazine. Despite the many changes in format and messaging over the years, it continues to foster pride among CCNY alumni, celebrating alumni accomplishments and highlighting both challenges and successes of City College. This magazine is a significant communication tool for the Alumni Association and serves as a vital connection point for alumni. At its highpoint, the Alumnus produced 10 issues a year. Today, the magazine publishes 3 issues annually. And sadly, it is once again in danger of being downsized. Editing, design, printing and mailing costs can run upto $30,000 per issue. If you do not wish to see a reduction in the number of printed issues, please consider supporting the magazine with a financial contribution restricted to magazine support.


When making gifts in honor or memory of someone, if possible, include the honoree’s full name as well as the contact information for the individual or family you are honoring. The Alumni Association will attempt to notify the honoree’s family for acknowledgement.


An affiliate group is a special interest group within the Alumni Association membership. Click here to learn more about our affiliate groups. A directed donation to an affiliate group is a 100% tax-deductible donation to the Alumni Association of CCNY and will be used toward that specific affiliate's programming and/or scholarship expenses.

Gift CCNY Made. Profiles in Grit To A Freshman

An annual gift of the multi-award winning book, CCNY Made. Profiles in Grit  to a freshman is a WIN WIN WIN.
Your annual gift:
Allows Freshmen to learn about the extraordinary footsteps they are following
Funds emergency grants for students who might not otherwise be able to attend or graduate from CCNY
Inspires future generations of alumni to follow in your footsteps

To gift a copy of this book, please select Gift A Book from the Donation Type drop down menu.