
The following scholarships/stipends are a sample of awards administered by the Alumni Association of CCNY to current undergraduate students, as a result of a bequest or donation from alumni. Each award requires evidence of academic excellence and/or community service. Specific criteria are noted in the listing below. For information on how to apply for a particular scholarship/stipend, please contact the respective academic department responsible for the selection and awarding of the scholarship/stipend.

If you are interested in donating to an existing fund or establishing a new scholarship for students, please contact the Alumni Association: 212-234-3000 or email at

ARCHITECTURE AFFILIATE GROUP STIPENDThe Architecture Affiliate Group annually recognizes 4th year Architecture students who demonstrate academic achievement and service to their community.
ASIAN ALUMNI AFFILIATE AWARDThis $1,500 annual scholarship goes to a sophomore or junior with GPA 3.0+ and a record of service to the community.
DR. MARTIN A. ABKOWITZ ’57 SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in January 2016 by the family of Dr. Martin A. Abkowitz ’57, this endowed $2,000 scholarship is for a sophomore or junior studying in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology or the earth sciences with a GPA of 3.0 who shows evidence of need.
BLACK ALUMNI AFFILIATE GROUP SCHOLARSHIPThe Black Alumni Affiliate Group annually awards this $1,000 scholarship to a black Junior or Senior with a 2.5+ GPA and has demonstrated service to the College and/or community, as well as a need for financial aid.
FERGUS M. BORDEWICH SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIESEstablished in 2017 by Fergus ’69 and Jean Bordewich this $l,000 scholarship is for a student in good standing who shows academic promise and originality in the Humanities with a preference for history. The scholarship is set up through the Foundation for CCNY in coordination with the Alumni Association Annual Gala.
BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS ALUMNI AFFILIATE SCHOLARSHIPThese annual scholarships are awarded to undergraduates, graduate students, and/or research assistants who work with faculty on their research. Scholarship amounts vary, average $1,000 each, and are awarded based on grades in economics / management classes (eligible students must have completed at least 12 credits in the department).
THE AMADOU DIALLO EDUCATION CRIMINAL JUSTICE AWARDEstablished in 2001 by The Amadou Diallo Educational, Humanitarian and Charity Foundation, this $500 annual award recognizes a Computer Science student of African descent with a 3.0 or greater GPA who shows evidence of financial need.
DELORES DIXON SCHOLARSHIP FOR EXCELLENCEEstablished in 2023, the Delores Dixon Scholarship for Excellence is a $1000 scholarship awarded to a junior or senior majoring in the Humanities discipline with a 2.5+ GPA.
THE DAVID & ROSE DORTORT SCHOLARSHIP FOR CREATIVE WRITINGEstablished in 2002 by David Dortort '36, a 2001 Townsend Harris Medalist, this $1000 award is to be awarded to an English major who is a sophomore going into his/her junior year and demonstrates a talent for Creative Writing with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
EDUCATION ALUMNI AFFILIATE GROUP STIPENDThe Education Alumni Affiliate Group annually awards a $1000 scholarship to a student majoring in Education with a 3.0+ GPA and shows evidence of financial need.
YOLANDA ESCOLLIES STIPENDEstablished in 2019 by Yolanda Escollies '65, this $1,000 stipend is for a female Junior or Senior majoring in Education who has a 3.0+ GPA with a history of community service.
WINIFRED & JOSEPH FEMIANI SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2007 by the Estate of Winifred Femiani, this is a $1,000 scholarship for a sophomore with a G.P.A. of 3.0+ in the School of Education.
THE SOL FOX '50 AND EVELYN FOX FRIEDMAN '52 ENGINEERING AWARDEstablished in 2021, the Sol Fox'50 and Evelyn Fox Friedman '52 Engineering Award is a $1000 stipend to be awarded to a CCNY student enrolled full-time in the Engineering program with a 3.0 GPA or higher and has demonstrated need for financial aid.
REUBEN FUCHS ’33 & RUTH MARKS FUCHS SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2008 by their children, Carol & Daniel Fuchs, this $1,000 scholarship is in memory of Reuben Fuchs & Ruth Marks Fuchs. It is awarded to a student in his/her junior year interested in teaching science at the high school level, with a GPA of 3.0+.
GOLDING-DONALDSON LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPThe Andrew G. Donaldson Scholarship was established in 1990 to celebrate an extraordinary BSE 1950 Honors graduate, who exemplified excellence in educational leadership. Recommended by Constance Elaine Golding ’62, ‘65MSE and Cleonis Ellen Golding ’62, ‘65MSE, this $1,000 scholarship was created in collaboration with Professor Donaldson’s brother, Dr. Charles L. Donaldson MD 1952 BS Honors, his surviving sister Dr. Clarice Donaldson, and other colleagues, associates and friends. In 2017, it was renamed the Golding-Donaldson Leadership in Education Scholarship. Its recipient will have demonstrated financial need, maintained at least a 2.5 GPA, and shown evidence of self-help efforts. The scholarship is set up through the Foundation for CCNY in coordination with the Alumni Association.
THE PETER AND JOAN GOODMAN SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2020 by Peter Goodman, ’61, a $1,000 annual scholarship for an undergraduate or graduate student with an exemplary academic record who intends to pursue a career in labor activism and/or worker rights as a teacher in public schools, selection by the Dean of the School of Education.
NANCY & LAWRENCE GREENGRASS SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2003 by Nancy and Lawrence Greengrass ’73, who also established the Louis Neugeborn Scholarship, this $1,000 annual scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in Art who has maintained a 3.0 GPA and shows evidence of financial need.
ALUMNI CLASS & HEYMANN SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 1991, the Alumni Association Affiliate Groups assist in distributing these $1,000 scholarships through their respective departments, divisions, or schools at the College. The process will vary each year and depend on the affiliate group selected to distribute the scholarship. Recipients of the scholarship must have a GPA of 3.0+, show evidence of need, and be selected from sophomores and juniors at the time of application.
NORMA HUNTE ’97 SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2018 by Sonya O. Hunte in honor of her mother, alumna Norma Hunte, class of 1997, this $1,000 scholarship will go to a nontraditional 3rd year student majoring in the Humanities.
THE LAWRENCE M. HYMAN SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in November 2007 by Kathryn Hyman in honor of her husband, this $1,000 award is for a Sophomore, Junior or Senior in any school of the college with a GPA of 3.0 and shows evidence of financial need.
THE HONORABLE ROBERT T. JOHNSON ’75 SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2024, the Honorable Robert T. Johnson '75 Scholarship is an endowed scholarship that is intended to yield an annual scholarship of $2,000 to be awarded to a CCNY student (enrolled min. 6 credits) pursuing a public service career and/or legal career in public service, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
DR. ABRAHAM E. KLEIN ’33 SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2007 by the family of Dr. Abraham Klein, this $1,000 scholarship is for a junior with a GPA of 3.0+ in the School of Education, on track to be a math major and planning to teach.
THE HARVEY LEOPOLD ’57 SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 1998 by Mrs. Beverly Leopold in honor of her late husband Harvey Leopold ’57, this annual $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an Economics major who is a junior at time of application with a concentration in Management or Marketing, has attained a 3.5 GPA, and shows evidence of service to the college and/or community.
ROBERT E. MARKINSON ARCHITECTURE AWARDThis award honors Robert E. Markinson, RA, class of 1990, who lived and practiced architecture in New York City for 35 years. Bob’s joyful approach to the profession made him an enthusiastic mentor for young designers, sharing with them his love for research and new technologies and inspiring them with his dedication, kindness, and generosity. This $1,500 stipend will be awarded to a 4th or 5th year B Arch student with financial need.
BERT MEYER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2008, the Bert Meyer Memorial Scholarship of $6,000 is for one Liberal Arts major who is an upper freshman at the time of application, with a GPA of 3.0+. The scholarship is to be used for the recipient’s sophomore year.
LOUIS NEUGEBORN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2002 by Nancy and Lawrence Greengrass ’73, in honor of Nancy’s father, this $1,000 annual scholarship is awarded to a junior majoring in history who has maintained a 3.0 GPA and shows evidence of financial need.
FRANCES M. & EDWARD S. PLOTKIN, PE SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2007 in gratitude for the extraordinary education provided by CCNY to Edward ’53CE, ’58MCE and his brothers Henry ’46 and Maurice ’42EE. This $5000 scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior majoring in Civil Engineering with a B+ GPA who shows evidence of financial need and has an outstanding personality as determined by the Dean of the Grove School of Engineering in consultation with the Engineering School Alumni Group.